DDLab Cygwin readme: May 2023 update ------------------------------------------------------------------- This version of DDLab was compiled in Windows 7 for Cygwin/X, a Linux environment running in Windows. ddlabz10_cygwin32.tar.gz unpacks to give ddlabz10_cygwin32.exe and GNU_GPL_3.txt Your Cygwin/X must have the default packages, and also xorg-x11-base, xorg-x11-devel, xorg-x11-fnts. To run DDLab: double click on the Cygwin Terminal icon a terminal will open, in it ... enter "startx" to get a cygwin window with 3 terminals inside in one of the terminals, use linux commands $ ls change to the subdirectory with the DDLab files, $ cd ddlabz10 enter the name of the executable preceded by ./ and followed by & $ ./ddlabz10_cygwin32 & alternatively, first change directory to "ddfiles" then enter the name of the executable preceded by ../ and followed by & $ ../ddlabz10_cygwin32 & DDlab should run just like the Linux or Mac versions, but much slower. ------------------------------------------------------------------- To compile DDLab: * double lick the Cygwin icon. a terminal will open, in it ... * enter "startx", to get a cygwin window with 3 terminals inside * change to the directory with the DDLab source code and the Makefile (the Makefile is the same as for Linux) * enter: "make -f Makefile_Linux_z10" (or the name of the Makefile) (if the Makefile is renamed "Makefile" simply enter "make") * if the compile is successful, ddlabz10.exe (or the file name set in the Makefile) is created. * run as described above. -------------------------------------------------------------------